Hi, I’m Hattie! I’ve been doing pottery on and off since 2009, when I started as a freshman in high school. After going to college for pottery on the east coast, I worked at several pottery production studios in Portland, Oregon, and San Francisco.

Working in production has helped hone my skills in speed and precision. But it’s also made me discover my pottery preferences! I feel more called to work that is unique and has individual qualities, rather than perfection and uniformity. I’ve also found that I’m happiest designing and decorating my own whimsical pieces, going at my own pace.

Something newer that I’m excited about is glazing! Glazing used to be my biggest headache and annoyance. But within the last couple years I’ve been working with under glazes and line work. I love small drawings and delicate lines and bringing it to my pottery feels like a complete circle.

Since I was a kid, I’ve loved collecting little trinkets on the beach. I have strong memories of finding unique colors of sea glass with my dad and perfectly formed shells with my mom. Permanently putting sea glass and shell imprints in my work makes me feel connected to my childhood and love of the ocean.



Sea glass from all over! East Coast to West Coast, Mexico to Europe!